The Byers Family

Preaching Jesus Christ to the Pacific Northwest

Dear Church,

Greetings from Astoria in the wonderful name of Jesus. Our family recently enjoyed a time of fellowship and refreshing at the Northwest Bible Conference in Summerville Oregon. We are thankful we had the opportunity to reconnect with friends and enjoy a reunion of fellow laborers.

Thank you for praying for our ministry and family as we continue preaching the gospel here. There has been some recent interest in Anchor Baptist Church, and we thank God for several visitors who came during the month of April. We recently had a couple of days of great response from door knocking. Several have shown interest in church which is a definite change in attitude from the normal angry or dismissive response we typically see. I continue to believe that persistence and faith in God and His calling are necessary components needed to break through this spiritual wall.

We lost some financial support recently, but the Lord quickly made up for the deficit from unexpected and unsolicited sources. This type of thing continues to happen, increasing my trust in God and His calling and bolstering my fervor to do more for Him! God truly knows our needs and supplies from various sources at different times. There is no coincidence with God, He is keenly aware of our every step and supplies every need. How wonderful that He also supplies so many wants!

I have been praying for many years for someone I baptized but later gave me many reasons to question their profession of faith. Some of the hardest people to win to Christ are those who think they are saved. In hindsight, I should have waited to baptize until I saw evidence of conversion. Recently I had a wonderful conversation with this individual who asked me what it means when you get baptized, but you didn’t really believe. To God be the Glory! My prayers were answered, and this person is now aware of their lost condition. Now that we have come this far, pray for true repentance and real salvation!

Plans for the 4th Annual Old-Fashioned Gospel Tent Meeting are underway! We need lots of prayer, help with evangelizing, and more prayer. As soon as I submitted the $300.00 non-refundable permit application, the city planner responded with an e-mail to let me know that public works has made a comment against our sound amplification and opened the plans to public comment. The commission might refuse the permit. He said “All comments that are received will be part of the public record and made available when I write the notice of decision. I can confirm, however, that the comments were made by our Administration and Public Works Departments.” Please pray that God will overcome the opposition of the city and allow sound amplification. Pray that souls will be saved, the meeting will be well attended, and that God will give the increase! So much to report but so little time and space! We are happily serving the Lord here and are thankful for your support!
